who is to blame for middle east conflict

President Biden is already boosting oil prices, and he's barely gotten started. On Sunday, the Health Ministry confirmed 18,847 new infections and 154 deaths from the virus, raising its total number of COVID-19 cases to more than 6 million and the death toll to 53,159. A United Nations report released in late 2012 said that the conflict was becoming “overtly sectarian” in some parts of the country, with Syria’s various religious communities finding themselves on the opposite sides of the fight between the government of President Bashar al-Assad and Syria’s fractured opposition. A Q&A with Jean-Pierre Filiu, whose new book examines the role of Arab dictators in encouraging jihadism. The Saudis, meanwhile, blame Maliki’s sectarian policies for the violence. This brief essay focuses on the religious dimension of the conflict, which both historical and recent events suggest lies at its core. ISRAEL is on the brink of 'full-scale war' according to the United Nations, amid continued catastrophic and deadly airstrikes and rocket attacks between Israelis and Palestinians. As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden. It’s certainly true that the intervention in Libya led to the collapse of central authority there, and the resulting chaos has been exploited by people smugglers. Turkish health officials say the more infectious Delta variant is to blame for a recent uptick in cases. As Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on… The hope of the Arab Spring, as pro-democracy revolutions swept the Middle East, is now a distant memory, as Yemen, Syria, and Egypt remain mired in chaos and conflict (to varying degrees). ... President Trump shook up the Middle East status quo by declaring that he would not insist on the creation of a Palestinian state as part of a peace accord. The widespread unrest will be seen as worrying for Middle East observers. Moreover, there was a lack of political will from both the sides, as each side desired for a lion's share at the negotiating table by exhibiting the potential they hold on the ground. Last year, the Pentagon published a report which claimed that China was looking to increase its military presence in the Middle East and establish an additional logistics and operational base to add to its current one in Djibouti, perhaps in the UAE. Named after its negotiators, Sir Mark Sykes and Francois Georges-Picot, the secret wartime deal proposed dividing the Middle East between Britain and France, down an extraordinary line. This is the terrible price for Obama’s greatest failure – a country and its people in bloody ruins, with no obvious end to the carnage and destruction. A month later Britain’s prime minister, David Lloyd George, forced his French counterpart, Georges Clemenceau, to recognise Britain’s claims on Palestine and Mosul. A critical assessment of America's foreign policy in the Middle East throughout the past four decades evaluates and connects regional engagements since 1990 while revealing their massive costs. Khrushchev threatened world war in 1957 when Turkish troops massed on the border immediately to the north. Donate, By That much is almost a truism. This book goes about breaking down all the terms often thrown around in the Middle East that make the peace process a political minefield, and one that both beginners and sophisticated followers have a hard time keeping up with. The Quartet on the Middle East or Middle East Quartet, sometimes called the Diplomatic Quartet or Madrid Quartet or simply the Quartet, is a foursome of nations and international and supranational entities involved in mediating the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.The Quartet comprises the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia. In our case, we are almost always confronted with opposing designations to define the conflict and its actors, so for example when it comes to “East Jerusalem,” that Israelis’/Jews’ presence will be deemed as a “settlement” (i.e. In reality, American policy has long been torn by two conflicting imperatives: The need to protect enduring U.S. interests, on the one hand, and the desire to stay clear of the The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy. The newspaper also recalled that Chinese military interest in the UAE was not new. 7 Things to Consider Before Choosing Sides in the Middle East Conflict 07/28/2014 02:07 pm ET Updated Sep 30, 2014 Smoke and fire from the explosion of an Israeli strike rise over Gaza City, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, amid Israel's heaviest air and artillery assault in more than three weeks of Israel-Hamas fighting. It seeks to present a very comprehensive overview of the conflict in the Middle East, presenting both sides of the conflict through the personal experience of two people: a Palestinian Arab and an Israeli Jew. The Sykes-Picot agreement turns 100 this week. Habib Battah is an investigative journalist and founder of the news site beirutreport.com. Pressuring Iran and confronting it would be enough to put an end to the crises in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen; or perhaps would at least inhibit the largest of fights induced.”, However, judging from Matin Moslem’s op-ed in Iran’s main daily Tehran Times, Mr. Obama appears to be caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to balancing U.S. interests between Iran and Saudi Arabia: “Obama opines that warmongering is no longer an option and the U.S. is better off coming to grips with realities and necessities of the modern political era. Is the strategy essentially to divide and conquer? The conflict began in 2014 when the internationally-recognized government of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi was run out of the capital, Sana’a, by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. Many in the region are pointing the finger at U.S. policy — in Syria and more broadly — and are finding much to criticize. Middle East In Focus is a synopsis of commentary and news from Middle Eastern and other international media. To clarify, when colonists decided to occupy other countries, that was the first step of conflicts. Opposition to Israel, for instance, helped create Gamal Abdel Nasser and necessitated dictatorship in Egypt and … I study in my book what I call “the Algerian matrix”: jihadi violence was known in the eighties in this country, but it was peripheral and contained; it became a mass phenomenon when a military clique deposed President Chadli Bendjedid in January 1992 because he was ready to accept an-Islamist majority Parliament and government. There are several Israeli views of the peace process. The Middle East is stricken with motivated violence, but who really is to blame? However, many activists called him out for framing the ongoing violence as a “complex” issue, and as a “conflict”, rather than a decades-long occupation. Has the Delta variant changed the symptoms of COVID-19? US-Iran conflict intensifies: who is to blame? The fragile ceasefire may not hold in the days to come. A succession of US presidents have made one mistake after another. The west, particularly the U.S. However,… we would like to launch the most scathing attacks on him for not following a clear, strong foreign policy because it has ended in a global community akin to what we wished to distance from after the Bush administration....It is not yet clear what exactly was on the agenda during Obama’s Riyadh visit; however, one can be pretty sure it makes no difference. To plug the hole in his cordon sanitaire, Sykes energetically began wooing the Zionist movement, hoping that the Zionists would reciprocate by endorsing British rule for Palestine, which they did, with enormous consequences. Middle East In Focus. In my opinion, the conflict in the Middle East is the fault of US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and those countries which started wars there. The Arab people will continue their century-long struggle for liberation, started against the colonial powers, and now against the ruling and ruthless cliques. For he had originally proposed the agreement in December 1915 as an expedient to avert a row. However the book gets somewhat bogged down through an overly repetitive style. On Friday, the incoming minister of energy announced new price hikes for gasoline of nearly 40%. Found insideBruce Riedel for decades has followed these kings and presidents during his career at the CIA, the White House, and Brookings. This book offers an insider's account of the U.S.-Saudi relationship, with unique insights. Dabiq lies on the shortest route between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean coast, a waypoint on the same natural highway that Sykes was seeking to control. , Found insideMeanwhile, some Republicans now also argue for a far smaller and less expensive American footprint abroad. Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens rejects this view. U.S. diplomatic efforts to bring about peace in the Middle East are further complicated by sharp partisan differences on the issue among the American people. Are they attempting to distract the international community? And Obama imagines that his greatest foreign policy achievement is his rapprochement with Iran, one of the key culprits in the seemingly endless disaster that is Syria.”, The Peninsula’s Noureddine Miladi takes issue with the U.S. pursuit of Islamist militants while neglecting Iranian-backed forces: “The chaotic situation begs the very question whether the western powers consider those people human or that they are sub-human, and not worthy of protection! There is no global consensus regarding whether Israelis or the Palestinians themselves deserve more of the blame for the lack of a Palestinian state. Three years later she drowned herself. The region is best known for oil production and export, which significantly impacts the entire region through the wealth it generates and through labor utilization. A history of conflict, a timeline from the BBC. The former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who reluctantly agreed to a power transfer in February 2012, after decades as an undisputed ruler, soon worked hand in hand with the local Al-Qaida branch to sabotage the democratic transition. According to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, a total of 13 people died, 21 were seriously injured and nine suffered minor injuries in wild elephant attacks in 2076/77 BS alone. For the most recent collection of articles on and from the Middle East, please go to: http://mepc.org/articles-commentary/articles-hub. The same peace process that is, as I write, falling apart. The US administration made an announcement in April this year threatening states with US-backed sanctions if … ... whose members have never found a conflict they were unwilling to send others to fight. And who is to blame for Lebanon's chronic water and power cuts? ISIL’s message was that it could bring the Sykes-Picot era of foreign domination to an end, but in the two years since the opposite has proved the case. ... which Washington and its allies blame on Iran. Gary Hart, the former senator who from 1998 to 2001 co-chaired a government commission studying U.S. security that warned of a "catastrophic" terrorist threat on U.S. soil, expects the blame … Many Arabs reacted angrily when it became clear that the British government prized the Entente Cordiale and the Zionists more than its prior offer of independence to them. The Republican governor blasted Hamas, placing blame on the group for the recent bloodshed in the tumultuous region, and emphasized that Israelis have the "right to defend themselves." Then, Saudi Arabia engaged all over the region in a vicious power struggle with Qatar, who was betting of a regional victory of the Muslim Brotherhood. To answer the question who is to blame for the problems in the Middle East over the past two decades, one must look back at the history of the Middle East. He is a visiting fellow at King's College London.Â, The Arab Revolt: A war of unintended consequences. Found inside – Page 343Impact of Arafat's Death on the Middle East Peace Process. ... While Arafat ruled, Sharon blamed him for everything – the necessity to build the security ... 2. Found insideNew chapters in this expanded edition elucidate the Oslo peace process, including the reasons for its failure, and the political dynamics in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza at a critical time of transition. Many historians also say Britain does bear historic responsibility for many regional disputes in the Middle East, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While it is near-impossible to summarize the entire history of the Middle East in just one article,... This book focuses on the September 2000 confrontation between Israelis and Palestinians, examining the characteristics of a confrontation that developed into a protracted low-intensity conflict. But this plan was thwarted when Picot refused to give him Palestine. The article, by Times writer Michael Crowley, claimed the conflict was "renewing criticism of Mr. Trump's approach" to Middle East tensions, arguing the … No one in the who is to blame community seems willing to take the story back to its beginning, at least the beginning for America’s latest round in the Graveyard of Empires (talk about missing an early clue.) Re: Who’s to blame for current Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Written by a Palestinian with intimate knowledge of the political and physical landscape of the region, at its basic level the book advocates for a just peace based on the human rights and international law, a peace which all parties to the ... As I watched the Iron Dome of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) intercepting rockets fired at the Holy City, many of these residents flocked to the streets in celebration. Who’s to blame in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? The Israelis? The Palestinians? The governments? The religions? The Rationalist Association is a registered charity in England No 1096577 a company limited by guarantee No 4118489. Initial welcoming reaction of Germany and some other European states, has created an unreasonable hope for millions of refugees across the Middle East for a better life in Europe. First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. July A A. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Arizona, condemned the Biden administration on Wednesday, saying she agrees with former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that President Joe Biden is to blame for the current conflict in the Middle East. This is the same peace process that led to the Assad regime retaking all of Aleppo. Religion plays a minor but significant role in the ongoing conflict in Syria. This work fills the need for a source that tells a comprehensive story of the conflict since the nineteenth century, when Zionism was conceived in Europe and Palestine was home for Arab majority and very small Jewish minority. It's a history of oil on all continents, not just the Middle East. Iran’s dominant hardliners had motive, opportunity and means. I wish to respond to just some of his multiple misstatements, mourn losses on both sides and request more coherence in any further discussions. The strait is, in fact, a maritime gateway for the gulf and middle east at large to the rest of the world. Breitbart News reports: Only 15.5 percent of Democrats blame Hamas for the current Middle East violence, according to the Trafalgar Group. Fighting the jihadis through Kurdish proxies, Shia shock troops or “national armies” (that are very little else than praetorian guards for the ruling clique) has proved (and will prove) delusory. Where's this motivation coming from? But Obama has stubbornly resisted any bigger involvement.”, Arab News’s Osama Al Sharif believes that the aloofness of the United States has allowed Putin’s Russia a free hand in Syria: “One reason why the regime is playing hardball is that it feels it is no longer under international pressure to give in on any point. As The Washington Post notes in another article, the real blame for the collapse of US policy in Afghanistan lies entirely with politicians and generals, both American and Afghan. Yet more bodies are being added to the hundreds of thousands who have already died. When Arabs are going to attend Obama’s goodbye party in less than 9 months from now, what can be expected from the visit except a genial sitting with the outgoing president?”, Click here to read previous installments of Middle East In Focus. Yet more tens of thousands have been added to the millions who have already been forced to flee their homes. Your book examines the role of Arab tyrants in these counter-revolutions. As Israeli-Palestinian fighting erupted last week, European political statements lined up across a familiar spectrum. For Syrians, it is an unrealistic nightmare.” Taking a stance against the maintenance of the status quo in Syria, the Saudi Gazette editorial pins the blame squarely on the U.S. administration for sacrificing the Syrian people so as to achieve rapprochement with Iran: “Washington leads the outside world in wringing its hands uselessly on the sidelines, the slaughter continues. That put their creaky wartime alliance with Britain under added strain. Dumping blame for the Holocaust on a Palestinian is an insult to its six million victims ... Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East goes much, much further. There is enough guilt on both sides. / Uri Avneri Smoldering since the late 1920s, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reached its first climax immediately after the State of Israel was founded on May 15, 1948. Israel's position is that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ou… I'll tell you this much: after living as a student in Israel and Palestine for the past year, I've realized that people on the ground do not want peace; they want their own states. This is why Riyadh and Abu Dhabi supported so actively the Egyptian counter-revolution, at the estimated cost of billions of dollars a year. An example of poor wartime planning for the aftermath of victory, Sykes-Picot echoes recent failures in Iraq and Libya. If you can help, support us today. Noted history writer Alan Axelrod breaks down the political and cultural stereotypes and helps readers not only understand what has happened in the last 100 years, but why it has happened, who was involved, and what might happen in the ... Iraq crisis: anger at Tony Blair over Middle East conflict blame game. Middle East News: Gaza's Pepsi bottling company was forced to halt operations this week due to Israeli import restrictions that were tightened during an 11-day conflict The fact that many Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims distrust each other, that the Allies established artificial national boundaries to suite their interests after World War I, and that ruthless dictators past and present have often oppressed their people are major reasons why much of the Middle East is broken and bleeding.
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