migration in the middle east

The studies have addressed many questions about the historical roots of the Palestinian refugee problem, Israeli perceptions of the problem, the practical feasibility of return, and the role of state actors and institutions in the solution of the problem including the United States and the European Union. As Hollifield and Brettel (2007) have noted, interest in international migration in the social sciences has tended to ebb and flow with various waves of emigration and immigration. UN World Migrant Stock Data website. In terms of the use of theory in literature, this review essay focuses on economic theory, which was employed to discuss the cause and effect relations of labor migration in both sending and receiving countries. Includes statistical year books from 1994 to 2006. Research establishes that the mass displacement has become a serious threat to the security and stability of the Middle East, and Africa in particular. He briefed the Middle East Forum in a conference call on July 31, 2018. Some of this growth was due to individuals and families seeking economic opportunities. Review articles were written to address influential changes in a short time period (Russell 1992; Shami and McCann 1993). Economic theories are often known as “push–pull” theories. 18 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983), pp. The literature evolved from historical analyses of the influence of colonialism on North African societies. Countries across the globe have considered novel ways for diasporas to directly invest in national development by purchasing diaspora bonds. His study provides an extra dimension to studies on refugees in the region and studies on diaspora. In addition to the issues relevant to the mass migration to Israel between 1948 and 1951, and integration of Jewish immigrants into the new country, the population policies of Israel became major topics of research. Since labor migrations to and from the Middle East are central to economic development, a focus on the evolution of migration may shed light on numerous relevant themes. The systems approach also calls attention to changing linkages and feedback mechanisms between countries in the migration system. In order to address the topic more comprehensively, they looked at the recruitment process, the policy of the Gulf states, and the socioeconomic conditions of the Sri Lankan migrant workers. Printed from Oxford Research Encyclopedias, International Studies. 202-266-1940 | fax. Since 1948, the refugee problem has been at the heart of the Arab–Israeli conflict. to the Middle East. Creates Migration in National Surveys catalogue of existing household survey and census datasets that contain information about migration in developing countries, focusing on child migration in particular. A prominent academic journal, International Migration Review, published the first article about labor migration in the Middle East in 1977. Then, economic theories are found beneficial in drawing macro-economic reviews of migration from the Middle East to Western Europe, and in investigating linkages between economic development and migration. Egypt: from strategic indifference to post-revolutionary repression 4. They build their assumptions on the idea that individual migrants are the key actors of migration. Historians have developed some approaches to the origin of the problem. A massive influx of foreign labor migration was observed in the region in a short time span. What shapes the Middle East's migration patterns. Economic theories are built on general theories such as the tendencies of people to move from densely to sparsely populated areas, or from low to high income areas, or those that link migrations to fluctuations in the business cycle (Castles and Miller 2003:22). Despite the role of several diasporas – those of Palestinians, Kurds, Iranians, Armenians – in Middle East politics, the number of studies addressing the diaspora populations living in the region has been low. Migration on a global scale is an everyday practice. With vaccination campaigns picking up speed in some places while only beginning in others, and new variants of the virus emerging, the timeline for restarting international migration and travel remains uncertain. In The Middle East in Global Change edited by Laura Guazzone . Mobility, Displacement, and Forced Migration in the Middle East. How can the GCC and other Middle East governments manage long-term migrant dependency and create employment for nationals across skill levels, while simultaneously controlling labor migration across sectors (i.e. The mass Muslim migration to Europe has galvanized civilizationist forces of populism and nationalism across the continent. Manpower And International Labor Migration In The Middle East And North Africa (World Bank Research Publications)|Ismail Serageldin, J. M. Coetzee: A Life in Writing|J. Antoun (2005) has furthered argument by suggesting that the inequality has been relevant for migrant nationals from other Arab states. © 2021 Mixed Migration Centre. Eisenstadt (1955) and Eisenstadt et al. Thus, the exclusion of migrants and systems of social stratification were institutionalized in terms of ethnicity/nationality and class. Hummingbirds will move along their migration routes as food sources appear and disappear. Taking the country cases of Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Jordan, the book explores the relationship between the government of sending states, emigration processes and communities of emigrants. In a similar vein, drawing heavily on both the International Migration Project and World Bank reports, Pennisi (1981) examined the expansion of East Asian labor flows to the Middle East. The history of the refugee problem has remained a main topic area. The Lampedusa Tragedy Prompts the Question: Does the UN Have Any Impact on the World’s Migrants? Middle East migration patterns defy generalization. Economic theories are likely to be ahistorical and individualistic. At the same time, it illustrates the uncertainties implied in such calculations, especially at a time of . Migration Between the Middle East, North Africa and Europe takes this challenge as a point of departure for analysing the MENA region, in particular Morocco, Egypt and Turkey, as a possible source of future migration to the European Union. Conflict, Migration and the Syrian Crisis in the Middle East. He employs ethnographic research techniques to investigate the motivations of Tunisian men emigrating from such a town to Italy. In addition to this conceptual lag, refugee studies encounter other problems. Instead of treating migration as a process, it is treated it as a single act, a means of leaving the origin country and settling in the receiving country. Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: How Could Europe Respond to Growing Displacement? Migration scholars tend to focus on government policies toward emigration, immigration, and transit migration. At one end of the social and economic spectrum are the urban, middle class, well educated, highly skilled professionals whose position reflects the recent economic growth and importance of India and other parts of the region. All right reserved. Found insideThis book examines the flow of Palestinian labour to Israel over the last three decades, and shows how it has fluctuated over time, with, most recently, a shift in the flow towards Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. Found insideLabor migration from Asia to the oil-exporting countries in the Middle East has burgeoned in the last decade to a current level of over two million workers. In one year, it is estimated that between 4 and 5 million people were uprooted. The last section of the essay will highlight a critical consideration of important elements, such as citizenship issues or immigrant integration in the receiving countries, which remain unconsidered and are closely related to nationalism. In the last 30 years, a "culture of migration" has emerged, with millions of Filipinos eager to work abroad, despite the risks and vulnerabilities they are likely to face. 2k Downloads. Palestinian children and adolescents living both within and outside of refugee camps in the Middle East are the foci of Children of Palestine (Chatty and Hundt 2005). What are some recommendations that will enable governments to regulate skills and migration ? They assert that some factors in the origin countries push people to emigrate, while some advantages in receiving countries attract these people to immigrate. Found insideThis book Illuminates the multidimensionality of these workers' lives as they engage in finding a balance between acting and being acted upon, struggle and accommodation, and movement and stasis. A number of important issues, such as citizenship or economic dynamics, remain unexplored. The last phase in the social process perspective model is the emergence of immigrant communities (Sell 1987). UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) statistics shows that Afghans and Iraqis have followed the Palestinians. February 01, 2020 00:33. Pull factors include demand for labor, availability of land and good economic opportunities and political freedoms. Google Scholar For instance, Antoun (2005) pointed to migration for higher education as one of the neglected types. Key themes addressing in publications are modeling causes and consequences; links between migrations, rural poverty and livelihoods; social protection; gender and generations; health and education; rights. They argued that the geographical analysis of international migration provided evidence of structural disequilibria in the economy. The 1948 war that created the state of Israel generated one of the longest-lasting and most politically fateful refugee waves, while . Although studies were highlighting the population movements, they provided important accounts of factors underlying this migration. Non-economic factors such as cultural similarity, Egypt’s role of political leadership and as the cultural pace setter in the region were taken into consideration to examine new migration in the Middle East (Choucri 1977). The Jewish mass migration to Israel and the integration of various Jewish communes comprised the fundamentals of the scholarship on Middle East migration since the 1950s. Due to the Gulf countries’ labor force demands consequent to return migration, replacement migration became a new trend, sustained until the mid-1990s. Icduygu (2006) has listed Turkey, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia as transit states, while Fargues and Bensaad (2007) have added Yemen, since it is a gateway for those immigrating to Gulf countries. Under the twin influences of ethnographic methods and network analysis techniques, current research has become more specific. This Quarterly Mixed Migration Update (QMMU) covers the Middle East region (ME). We are a life-saving service for procrastinators! For a long time, the literature neglected the citizenship issues of the immigrants. According to Monsutti, the money-transfer networks and social networks simultaneously are created in both receiving and sending communities. For example, in Palestinian Refugees: Pawns to Political Actors, Talhami (2003) has examined the impact of the refugee issue on the larger Palestinian political picture. Migration from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to the United States began in the late 1800s and picked up in recent decades, driven largely by political turmoil in the region and economic opportunities abroad. Similar to earlier studies, economic theories are employed to examine labor migration. The 1967 war led to the relocation of Egyptians both internally and externally to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (Antoun 2005). In 2019, migrants made up the majority of the population in half of the GCC countries - comprising 88 per cent of the population in the United Arab Emirates, around 79 per cent in Qatar and 72 per . One year later, Jain (2006) looked at citizenship laws in the Gulf to analyze the condition of Indian migrants. Focusing on female labor migration from Sri Lanka to the Gulf countries, Brochmann (1993) argued that the causes and consequences of female contract-labor migration are different from those of male migration. Although Sell focused on unofficial channels for immigration employment as a significant part of the process, he asserts that labor market and state policies keep their critical role. Since demographic indicators such as migrant stocks, net migration rates, refugee population, and the number of transit and illegal migrants are valuable inputs for every research project, the demographers’ contribution has been, and continues to be, very important for future studies. The method enables us to trace the impact of migration in small research units such as communities, villages and families. By looking at major female labour exporting countries to the Middle East (like Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Ethiopia, for example) and also at labour importing countries, we Two of the three main approaches used in the field of international migration are closely related to the Middle East. This policy brief explores opportunities to build this cooperation. (2005) have argued that the ethnic and religious diversity of the Middle Eastern diasporas in Europe, North America, and Australia is an indication of the level of ethnic conflict that occurred in the process of carving out nation-states from a multiethnic empire under the impact of European colonialism. Middle East Meet the Middle Eastern migrants trapped in Lithuania. As Seccombe showed, the absence of reliable labor market data and the restriction on research in the host countries made new research difficult. Studies focusing on gender have contributed to the literature both because they have led to the development of a multilevel approach and because they point to neglected actors, women, in the terrain of migration. Provides Statistical Online Population Database of standardized data on UNHCR’s populations of concern at country, regional, and global levels. 26, 2009. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Migration Out of Middle East Appears Unlikely to Ease. Refugees and Displacement in the Middle East Marc Lynch, POMEPS and George Washington University Laurie Brand, University of Southern California The Middle East has experienced a dramatic flood of refugees and forced migration over the last fifteen years . The involvement of international organizations, mainly the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), paved the way for research examining their impact and their policies. Bodega et al. She found that the adaptation of female refugees/exiles who emigrated alone depends on their class and family background, education, the formation of networks and friendships during the migration, the policy of host states, and migrant status. Literature on transnationalism and attempts to reconsider the state’s role in migration helped scholars deal with these shortcomings after 1995. At www.migrationdrc.org/research, accessed Apr. A Political Economy of the Middle East. Pointing to recent topics such as the migration–security relationship and transit migration, this essay will point to future directions in research, theory and methodology in migration studies of the Middle East. The enthusiasm of cultural and social anthropologists for the concepts of transnationalism and globalization has influenced studies on migration and the Middle East since 1990. Boulder: Westview Press. Migration has long shaped the Middle East and North Africa, with countries in the region often simultaneously representing points of origin, transit and destination. In the long run, fragmented data resulted in problems of knowledge accumulation. the Middle East. Provides one of the most comprehensive libraries worldwide on migration, refugees, and ethnic groups. Before 2011, Syria was hosting large numbers of refugees, comprised mainly of Palestinians and Iraqis but also Sudanese and Somalis (Doraï 2011). Farrag’s studies in 1974 and 1979 are important for presenting a statistical scale of migrant workers abroad (cited in Seccombe 1985:336). But the assessment offered in this essay also serves to identify some shortcomings. Case studies comparing the Palestinian refugee problem with other refugee problems have provided an enriching perspective for both refugee and diaspora studies. Other promised lands in different regions — the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania — have become the objects of Filipino dreams. The Arab–Israeli Wars in 1948 and 1967 led to the migration of Jewish people as well as the dislocation of the Palestinian population. Found insideFocusing on the case of the Hazaras, a population from central Afghanistan, this book shows how migration studies and transnationalism are at the heart of theoretical and methodological debates which animate anthropology. A focus on individual narratives of migration, integration and compromise of the four major forced migrant groups in the Middle East - the Circassians, Kurds, Armenians and Palestinians - contributes to developing understanding of the coping strategies and mechanisms adopted by these societies and helps explain the relationship between . This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars from the social sciences and humanities who examine forced migration within the context of the Middle East. Scholarly work on migration in the Middle East that has accumulated between the early 1950s and the late 1980s falls into two broad categories in terms of subject matter: Jewish migration to Israel and the Palestinian refugees, and migrations to labor-short countries of the Gulf and Europe. The migration systems approach and network analysis provided theoretical and methodological tools for addressing labor migration from the sending countries’ perspective. Case studies were less able to address the complexity of the migration phenomenon than macro reviews of the region. Refugee studies rarely viewed the issues relevant to Palestinian refugees as a part of the question it had been addressing. At the other end of the spectrum are those who find work in low status, low paid After the theoretical contributions of transnationalism, questions about the influences of labor migration and return migration have been addressed. They have found that each country presents a different story about driving forces behind the remittance behaviors. In 2016, nearly 1.2 million immigrants from the MENA region lived in the United States, accounting for roughly 3 percent . Migrant workers returning from Western European countries after a certain time might be an example. In his study, treating migration as a process, Sell (1987) argued that labor demand and state policies constitute official channels of immigration. This book provides new insights and research studies on how developing countries come to terms with the nationalisation policies of Gulf economies that provide employment for their nationals. The after-effects of the greatest immigration wave into Europe since World War II continue to ripple across the Continent's political landscape. South Asian migration to the Middle East has two very different faces. Provides data on research programs about immigrant integration, US immigration, Europe immigration, migration and development, refugee protection. This ground-breaking book is one of the first to analyse the important phenomenon of South-South educational migration for refugees. 12h12 hours ago Middle East The two were part of a six man group who tunnelled out of jail almost two weeks ago . Faith plays a significant role in the mental health and social integration of refugees and asylum seekers. 202-266-1940 | fax. 3 (2016): 93-113. o MIGRANT DIARY 1 DUE WEEK 7. 1992). Among the key themes covered in the Middle East region are the profiles, intentions, risks, socio-economic conditions and vulnerabilities of people in mixed migration flows as well as those stranded or stuck in protracted displacement. In order to provide a broader view, case studies develop middle-range theories, incorporating economic theory, and the historical structural approach to explain causes of emigration and social theory to recognize its social implications. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In this context, those Middle East countries that have Mediterranean shores have become the subject of inquiry. The concept of transit migration entered the migration policy discourse during the early 1990s. Iran’s isolation from the world has worsened in recent years, and a stuttering economy, currency freefall, and widespread impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to the underlying factors encouraging emigration, as this article examines.
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