italy immigration crisis

Italy is expected to lose 17% of its population by 2050, and -- even without immigration -- half by the end of the century. Mass immigration will kill the Italian culture. A little African girl, wearing the pink smock of an . With the complexion of the govt now, Italy is lost. With a native population already shrinking, if Italy is open to the mass legalization of migrants, we should be at least be aware that it will be culturally suicidal. Italy's Democratic Party-Five Star Movement coalition government should revoke anti-asylum and anti-rescue measures held over from the previous government, Human Rights Watch said today. The crisis reached its peak in February 2006 when a mob attacked the Italian consulate in Benghazi in reaction to the reproduction of the cartoons on a t-shirt worn by the Northern Leagues . If you have a huge wave of different looking and believing humans flooding your country, you have change! They only change what you allow them to. He went on to call this transformation, "a kind of pioneer of Western decline". Rome has largely been left to handle the crisis on its own. This is the real life "Camp of the Saints" - Salvini is needed more than ever. The Roman Empire had spread vast amounts of very advanced human achievments for all of us to wallow in. April 2016: Hundreds of activists protested at the Italy-Austria border against immigration and border controls. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute. Immigrants are vetted before they enter the country and there is a limit on numbers. Then we can help others as we are able with slow moving wisdom. I fear we've let things go too far, Audra. Found insideItaly’s deep-rooted structural problems resulted in an unsatisfactory productivity performance and a dismal growth over the last 15 years. "School performance falls when classes exceed 30% foreigners; it is a crucial threshold that should be avoided or otherwise monitored", said Costanzo Ranci, professor of Economic Sociology, and author of a recent report. Commenters' email addresses will not be displayed publicly. Europe is on the same ways of Iran and Afghanistan. Matteo Salvini moves to block migrant rescues in Mediterranean. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. Although few want to stay in Italy, a country with poor job prospects, far-right and mainstream groups target refugees. History tells us as much. The so-called refugee crisis initiated in the second half of 2013, with hundreds of thousands people crossing the Mediterranean to reach . On Wednesday, Prime Minister of Libya's Government of National Unity (GNU), Abdel-Hamid Dbaiba, spoke of the importance of Italy's role in combating illegal immigration during a meeting with the Italian Minister of Interior, Luciana Lamorgese and her . The reference is about Sharia laws. But . Visit RT to read about attempts to tackle the migrant crisis in Italy and all of Europe. Steve. This paper is an analysis of what is deemed the "immigration crisis" in Europe as it affects the country of Italy. The book thus attempts to give a broader European perspective on the migrant crisis and its public repercussions. (Series: Studies in Political Communication / Studien zur politischen Kommunikation, Vol. 13) [Subject: Migration Studies, ... On May 29 Mattarella sought to calm markets by nominating former IMF executive Carlo Cottarelli to serve at the head of a technocratic caretaker government ahead of early elections. Within next 30 years most of the Europe will lose it's culture to Islam. We have now reached a paradox: immigrants are taking their children out from classes where, under multiculturalism, segregation is surging. However....The Italian govt has already lost the country's future.... No control over "immigration" has polluted and diluted Italy's basis as a country and in the world. But most immigrants aren't Islamist activists. Solving Italy's Immigration Crisis. ROME — The Italian government has passed new controversial measures to curb immigration. Similarities between Lombard and Byzantine states, Carolingian and post-Carolingian Italy, 774–962, Socioeconomic developments in the countryside, The reform movement and the Salian emperors, The southern kingdoms and the Papal States, The southern monarchies and the Papal States, Early modern Italy (16th to 18th century), From the 1490s through the 17th-century crisis, Reform and Enlightenment in the 18th century, Political thought and early attempts at reform, The rebellions of 1831 and their aftermath, Politics and the political system, 1870–87, Economic and political crisis: the “two red years”, The republic of Salò (the Italian Social Republic) and the German occupation, Economic stagnation and labour militancy in the 1960s and ’70s, Student protest and social movements, 1960s to ’80s, The migrant crisis and the growth of populist movements. Are they raping the women? It will be the fall of Rome and the EU. Since Salvini announced his hardline immigration policies in June 2018, the number of migrant arrivals to Italy — as well as the number of dead and missing — significantly decreased. Get all the latest news about the Italian public's reaction to the influx of migrants. Global Migration Is Not Abating. They circulate widely in today's media. Immigration and anti-EU rhetoric will play an increasingly important . July 28, 2020. Matteo Salvini is the only person who could save Italy.Now, they have Mogherini and other far leftists and Italy can soon be like France or Germany or Sweden. The immigration crisis in Lampedusa. I had never seen anything like that. Meanwhile, Europe’s migrant crisis continued to loom as a pressing foreign and domestic issue for Renzi’s administration. When the Aquarius next docks, it will have to remove its Panama maritime flag and cannot set sail without a new registration, raising the possibility it may end up stuck in port. Italian migration crisis: the big picture . SIMPLY INSIST THAT THE LAWS OF THE HOST COUNTRY ARE ADHERED TO. My husband and I am Australian. America First--Always! This open access book looks at the migration of Southern European EU citizens (from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) who move to Northern European Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom) in response to the global economic ... The Leftists have ruined Italy with their onerous taxes and special priveledges to migrants, legal and illegal. Particularly since the mid-90s, increasing numbers of foreign nationals and refugees, coming from Balkan countries, Eastern Europe, and North Africa, have . In an effort to resolve the impasse, Berlusconi—as head of the right-wing bloc that included the League, Forza Italia, and the Brothers of Italy—gave his blessing to Salvini to pursue negotiations with Five Star. The Politics Of Regularisation Of Migrant Labour In Italy. We have our own issues here but I must admit I am amazed at the clips I see of just how many immigrants occupy whole towns in England now. A fence has been built on the Serbian border because thousands of people were coming into Hungary. Longer submissions are unlikely to be published. But the cou. Hijab and face veiled women protested in London to support Muslims in France. Perhaps a wall can be build to keep masses of migrants out. Yet Hungary is looked down upon by the leftist media worldwide. They argue that the absence of . Prime Minister Renzi tried to pretend that the migrant crisis did . A recent example is the "No Outsiders" programme - designed to emphasise inclusivity in schools - being rejected by Muslim parents, who didn't want their children to see a textbook in which two male penguins take it in turns to keep an egg warm. The experience of the Albanian migratory crisis seems to have taught the EU and Italy very little. In just ten years, the number of migrants in Italy has surged by 419%. If European solidarity means anything, the EU . 595. The problem is ethnocentric thinking, that your people and culture is just for you. October 28, 2017. This edited collection introduces conceptual innovations that critically engage with understanding refugee movements as part of the broader category of ‘poor people’s movements’. Spent some time in Milan in the late seventies, Count Vitorio Rossi was my mentor, Britain had gone mad with the weird joy of the 'swinging sixties' and the temporary relief of Italy was overwhelmingly welcome. In September, an Iranian appeals court sentenced Ms. Daemi to seven years in prison for her peaceful activism. To Understand Europe's Immigration Crisis, Listen to the Voiceless 'Illegals'. Explores what it means to be undocumented in a legal, social, economic and historical context In this illuminating work, immigrant rights activist Aviva Chomsky shows how “illegality” and “undocumentedness” are concepts that were ... "If Europe disappears, and with it the priceless values of the Old Continent, Islam will invade the world and we will completely change our culture, anthropology and moral vision". Notwithstanding Italy's backsliding on responsible governance with regard to the realities of Mediterranean migration, its performance stands as more au courant than Malta, which has never had a dedicated cabinet seat for immigration at all. European and Italian leaders - as well as mainstream Italian media outlets - often describe migration as a "crisis" or humanitarian " emergency " that they perceive to threaten various . Carty shows that the high volume of immigration in both the EU and the United States has led to a resurgence of nativist sentiments and white supremacy groups. Europe's migrant crisis might not make the headlines as it did back in 2015, but Italy's new government has ensured that migration is back at the top of its, and Europe's, agenda. Dont let them....just feed them and clothe them and share your ways. This true story follows an Italian man . Migrant arrivals in Italy 2014-2021. This book draws on more than five hundred firsthand accounts to reveal the human story behind the statistics and demagoguery. What is it like to set out for Europe with your family, knowing the dangers you face on the way? Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis. Since the beginning of its experience as an immigration country, Italy has received only small numbers of asylum-seekers. Why the countries of Europe promote this migrant stupidity is beyond common thought. Unity as a whole. Migrants could now be expelled if they are found guilty of serious crimes such as rape and assault. Gatestone also reserves the right to edit comments for length, clarity and grammar, or to conform to these guidelines. The government is literally gambling with Italy's future. Life at 50C: Heat hitting home in Australia. Don't overestimate European history, some countries in Europe had very shameful history... Just stop selling military weapons to Muslim country leaders, most of whom are corrupt and unwilling to protect their own people. The so-called security decree, promoted by Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, envisages fines of up to € . "The government is literally gambling with Italy's future. Previously, this was only possible at the end of a lengthy appeals process. What's wrong with immigrants? In Italy, last month, the number of migrants arriving from Africa surged, after having declined for most of the last two years. The scheme outlined measures to relocate 160,000 refugees from Italy and Greece and was seen as an important step toward stabilizing the refugee crisis in Europe. The entire south of Italy is now trying to deal with migrants. The . Agreed that no nation can keep its sovereignty if it has no borders and unfettered immigration. Why now does it seem so life threatening? (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images). In the end, Cottarelli surrendered his mandate after just 48 hours when Five Star and the League again proposed Conte as prime minister at the head of a reshuffled cabinet. According to data released by the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Italy has accepted the highest number of Afghan refugees between . But that's the beauty of accepting other cultures and becoming a melting pot. By. The long term threat is that as their numbers increase, more separatist Islamist enclaves are established, and they use the political freedom and human rights they have in the west to attack democracy. The . Leftist politicians don't have a clue. Focusing on the dynamics of irregular immigration in Southern EU Member States, this book analyses how the phenomenon is managed at national and local levels in different legal and political systems. Mr Salvini is under investigation for his role in the dispute. Thousands of refugees died attempting the hazardous Mediterranean crossing in barely seaworthy craft, and Italy’s Operation Mare Nostrum, which had rescued more than 150,000 migrants in 2014, had been terminated in October of that year because of a lack of support from other EU members. 0. This book seeks to advance the UN concept of ‘human security’ in showing how a human security approach to the crisis can effectively conceptualize and respond to the intricacies of the challenges faced. ROME (Reuters) - Italy's coalition parties quarrelled on Tuesday over a move to grant permits to irregular migrants working . October 28, 2019 at 5:00 am,, "In my son's kindergarten there is a serious integration problem, I have to take him away".... At the time of enrollment, Mohamed explained, they had seen drawings with flags of all nationalities in the school, but, "when we arrived at school the first day, we found ourselves in a class with all foreign children. Vital Subjects: Race and Biopolitics in Italy is an interdisciplinary study of how racial and colonial discourses shaped the “making” of Italians as modern political subjects in the years between its administrative unification (1861 ... This ethnographically rich book is an important contribution to the anthropology of the Mediterranean and critical migration studies."—Heath Cabot, author of On the Doorstep of Europe: Asylum and Citizenship in Greece "Carney carefully ... External Source. This edited book examines the experience of small states in Europe during the 2015-2016 migration crisis. The Religious Transformation of French Schools, Iranian Mullahs' Torture Epidemic: UN, EU, Biden Administration Continue Appeasing Anyhow, Biden Administration Blocks Rescue of Persecuted Christians from Afghanistan, Why Arabs No Longer Trust the Muslim Brotherhood. Found insideAnd, what strategy should the United States pursue to succeed in an increasingly competitive world? In this book Thomas Wright explains how major powers will compete fiercely even as they try to avoid war with each other. Read about our approach to external linking. "In my son's kindergarten there is a serious integration problem, I have to take him away," says Mohamed, a 34-year-old of Moroccan origin who arrived in Italy when he was 4 years old. The native Italian population is already shrinking rapidly. Migration issue opens rift in Italy's coalition amid COVID-19 crisis. Mattarella approved the government on May 31, and Conte was inaugurated the following day. Copyright © 2021 Gatestone Institute. With a native population already shrinking, if Italy is open to the mass legalization of migrants, we should be aware that it will be culturally suicidal. That doesn't surprise me, Neil John, the leftist globalists have taken over and we, the man/woman in the street, don't stand a chance, because it's all to do with money and the rich getting richer! The authority is said to have described the ship as a "political problem" for the country's government, and said Italian authorities had urged them to take "immediate action" against them, according to SOS Mediterranée. Covid-19 has turned the Italian political debate on immigration upside down. Posted on May 16, 2020. After an estimated 800 people were killed in a single shipwreck in April 2015, the EU voted to dramatically expand its multinational Triton sea rescue operation. Renzi immediately embarked on a bold reform program in an attempt to revitalize Italy’s stagnant labour market and to stimulate economic growth. Gatestone Institute is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, Federal Tax ID #454724565. Especially when they have the lawful means of curtailing some of it. Our children will curse us. After the fall of Communism in Albania in 1990, the Albanian immigration to Italy . Migrants arrived by sea in Italy has surged by 419 % receiving migrants in Ease the crisis. 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