monologue ideas to write

More like a person who was going to a costume party and couldn’t decide between being a witch or an Indian Chief. Smile, walk, walk, walk and cupcake hands and… left foot two steps and…right foot two steps and turn and back (rolls her ankle and collapses in pain.) I remember her telling me, right before she died, that she will always be with me, watching over me like the moon. …Pick that up, we’ll need it later… (Suddenly surprised. First Place Winner! His detailed tips, techniques, and rules include: - 6 characteristics every good monologue joke topic must have - 6 specific ways to generate punch lines - 12 tools for making your jokes their funniest - 7 types of desk pieces and how to ... I took too long walkin’ the dog. And guess what? When I grow up and have kids of my own, I will play One Direction in the car and in the house in front of their friends, and I will for sure not embarrass them! I might be sitting in a too-crowded tent playing my sixth round of Truth or Dare with the swim team or standing up by the blocks waiting for a race. Now, the art of the sword is an art dating back to the earliest ages of reason, perfected during the Renaissance age, when a true Renaissance man knew not only the sword, but—stop chatting amongst yourselves, you urchins! I really want to strangle each and every tall person but to do so I would NEED A STEPLADDER!!!!!! Everyone laughed. (Throws paper on ground and leaves the podium.). No, ellipsis, we will not be taking a vote! I just got rid of those rats for you. (beat) No? I moved into my neighborhood in 1999. I mean, shrimp? I just couldn’t take it anymore, you know? You also can’t keep it in your pocket. Oh, what the heck. And on the screen, it said, “You should have done what I asked.” That was the last time I messed with my “supernatural” computer. Hey parentals, siblings, comrades. Two sticks of gum. Gender: Any thank you. A monologue should show who you are, not add layers of dialects, character traits, a limp, or something outrageous to impress. Growing! All right. Wanna hear my story? Second Place Winner Look at all these scratches! But what did you give us in return? I’ll never accept my mother’s apologies or my friends or strangers who just bump into me on the street. Alright. For me it’s like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I can’t touch it. It will bankrupt us. Students will be able to break down a monologue in beats, add their "to verbs" to the monologue, and perform it. Actor can come up with a variety of challenging and funny physical antics and facial expressions.). Is that–oh…my…oh…my…TAMALES! Jessie! I’ll let you mourn. What about the time that you lied to Elizabeth about never having dated Joelle and she found out and broke up with you…breaking your heart, really. I wrote a monologue! Genre: Dramatic. Genre: Comedic Even in the last days of his life all he could think about was you. I hope it’s been good. He’s out of his mind! Hello? Where are you? But then again, I gotta be honest. We’ve finally met. Third Place Winner! Depending on the rare cases it did last longer than a couple of days, we would pause the fight so we could still vent and talk. I think we have some candles. See, I told you that she has terrible taste in music. (The speaker is on the phone, frantic, pretending to peer out windows nervously.) Hi. Why didn’t he? (Melody, furious, walks up to Mrs. Wright to talk about the winter musical audition.) Sometimes I just wish for a normal life! He just doesn’t understand what a good girlfriend I am. By: Alexis P., Age 11, Austin, TX, USA Like if you wear makeup, you know you look good. And if they don’t feel pretty, why should anyone else feel pretty? Holy crap! We are what you would call a lifestyle brand. Wake up… But it wasn’t long before the crack of several gunshots silenced my thoughts. (Attempts to turn camera off. They matched the potato sack perfectly. We are a family of all girls. Second Place Winner! I still can’t believe that Esteban did that. Bye. Or went swimming my friends? I can’t help but feel protective. I would never stop, and I couldn’t, I thought. Description: She is a dreamer that has wishes. Like are you serious??? Now that you are ready to actually perform, take a deep breath and focus on getting in the mind and emotional state of the character. I heard the voice of James Dougherty ‘Marilyn Monroe is a stranger.’ I saw the jealousy on Joe DiMaggio’s face. How did I survive this? Let it go. To Kill a Monologue. Description: A parent tries to get their crazy energetic kids to go to bed. Oh yes, I remember her. Found inside – Page 49'TALKING TO YOURSELF' EXERCISE Interior monologue – write down a real or imagined conversation you have had with yourself. out of characters' thoughts. (pause) No, mom. Covid/19 is the imposter, and the spaceship is the quarantined area. Description: A student finds an extra credit science assignment is going horribly wrong as overgrown dough attracts a wave of deadly pigeons. Maybe I let him watch too much TV… I woke up the other night, with the feeling of being watched. (pause) What do I feel? Oh no. But strangely, the one friend I have come to entrust this weird title was once my arch nemesis. Those cups are worth 50 dollars each and Rob worked very hard so I could afford them. Only the urge is like 10 times stronger and sometimes if I don’t steal the watch, wallet, ring, or whatever then I feel really nauseous and I vomit. My favorite idea was fashion design. Then I thought, maybe it was a sign, a sign that no one cares or that I’m not important enough, that I’m worthless, irrelevant. As my entire body becomes numb all I am able to process is the never-ending question of why. Playing basketball is my whole life, my dream. The relationship I have with animals is the same as the one with my dear husband. Jessie! Like seriously I don’t know how this happened, it just did I guess. Second Place Winner! Alright, now you’ll want to take a step forward, then dart out like a majestic scorpion of the Sahara! You thought the cheating would stop after I went to college? Like eighty? Friend groups got more complicated, so was lunch, seating choices, there was so much homework, and the teachers were really different. First Place Winner! That’s why I really appreciate it when teachers go out of their way to talk to me privately when I’m struggling with something, like you are now. But it’s just not going to happen that way. Starting at seven– I don’t think that was meant to be my path. (Pulls flashcard out of her pocket and paces the room) Da da da da da…. Not for losing this, you’re okay, you lost nothing. Finds a candle. QUESTIONING: What questions come to mind when you see this image? On that note, I brought some champagne so we could make mimosas, but I forgot to bring orange juice. No soy nada, but I want to be someone, someone better than what I am now. Am I not pretty?” That’s when a “you look nice” seems to matter the most. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since graduation. Alright already, let the woman wear what she wants okay? No, it is not. I have to live in the Under World for six months of the year as, um… Queen of the Dead! But anyway, I didn’t feel like talking to her, so I went up to my room to do homework. It’s day 47 of absolute isolation, loneliness, and complete and utter boredom. But as everyone says it’s all okay because I can still throw on a smile, and the one thing that makes this all go away are the drugs. I believe that I’ve made my case clear. Take three. By: Ian Shin, Age 16, Austin, TX, USA I have a window in my room. Why? I didn’t mean to yell like that, I thought it was my mom… Yes of course I’ll come in right away! How do you prepare it and perform it? Top of the ninth the no-hitter is still alive and crack!!! First Place Winner! Or, at least I was. Gender: Female You’re telling me I’m going to be in piles and piles of student loan debt for the rest of my life so that the teacher who is supposed to be, that’s right, teaching me chemistry, a key part of my future career can “not feel like teaching!” That’s just bizarre. I’m not talking to her. He even gets away with rubbing it in my face. You need to memorize this before the interview starts… (Phone rings. But today I saw a flicker of hope. This was my mom’s idea. If he didn’t want me before, he’s not going to want me now. I heard you from the waiting room. Some ideas-You should know your characters wants likes fears, After your rough draft edit your monologue- no need for repeats. I think you’d be freaking out too! He could barely look me in the eye. Third Place Winner They call me the monster, but monsters like me only look the part, and I prefer that to the false facades and double-edged words. But I guess people just can’t admit that someone looks better than they do. PIGEONS! She knows what she did. Well now you know. We are not a cult. She’s energetic and very optimistic and able to see the best in everyone. A big distraction for me is drawing. I think they're sort of a lost art now, but having your baddie deliver a delicious tongue-lashing, lots of exposition, or even just cruel intent can be delightful. I’m sorry. I’ve dealt with that stuff on my own. I went up to the counter to pay. As Maya Angelou says, “You may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lines. One gloomy day, my dad came to visit. I rest my case. I mean, look at it. The voices of the two gunmen made my skin crawl. Oh, how awful that would’ve been – never fulfilling my true purpose. This is my first video diary after becoming the first earthling to visit the planet Venus. there was just… so much blood. (pause) Ok, fine. Brock Bruce. He didn’t give me a ticket. (Pause.) Yes, you, the victim of the stabbing? Why can’t they see me for who I am and not what I look like. If you’re pressed with time and don’t have much time to memorize a long monologue, try check out our 30 second monologues. Description: Godzilla is looking for a little understanding as he apologizes for his actions. How to Write a Puppet Script. So unusual for a cat…I said, I know that we aren’t going to keep her…of course, I realize that we already have sixteen cats. And there’s no way I’m going to get rid of it today (under breath) or maybe ever. When you finally think she is done she just links what she is talking about to something else! I’m going to tell her I don’t want to do this anymore. He’s coming to pick me up this weekend in his Camaro. Not to be trusted! Most of these monologues are short and easy to learn, ideal for children under the age of 15. And the worst part is that it’s a boy! I walked around and realized my mirror self was gone! Did you hear that? Genre: Dramatic Gender: Female Remember, I’m the boss around here! Get out! By:  Annika G., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Age 14 It derailed my life and yours. The night before each test I wrote the answers on my thigh and made sure to wear a skirt because if the teacher tells you to pull your skirt up, they are bound to get in trouble. This pandemic is crazy! How to write a monologue. Fun. I only had my pajamas I slept in, so I wore them, as you can see. I slip on a pair of jeans, toss on a shirt and head off to work. Ricky was the bee’s knees, even though he was a lil’ too old for us high school girls. My door has a knob instead of a handle! How dare you make such an accusation about an impressionable high school junior Mr. Brown! By: Lizzie T., Texas, USA, Age 14 My card was sitting right there! . How dare you disrespect me like that. Zip. I wonder what my future self will say to me one day. You heard about the Pigs, right? By: Catherine Young, Age 12, Texas USA The ability of readers of fiction to hear a character’s thoughts directly is one of the huge advantages that novels have over films. Speaking of that nice, glass skylight… the sun coming through the big glass skylight is so warm, and cozy, and I… well. Rainbows and unicorns, that felt good! I can’t make sense of it. Gender: Male I can only see them, my children. We haven’t talked in a long while, and I thought about not sending this, but we swore to be friends for life, and I am keeping my promise. It was US, the Elves of the Order of the North Pole. Can I stay here for a couple of days while I figure out what to do? Alexa is always listening. (Puts picture away.) Mom said that he should shut up and let me decide. You’re at a good part? Description: SMITHIE, 26, was hired last week as a 911 operator and is just getting the hang of her job. But it’s not a big deal. Description: A middle-schooler talks about racism among children/kids from their point of view, in front of their class for an English assignment. There’s no way to get them off there. Description: A teen girl comes out to her family in a comedic way. Genre: Dramatic Description: The genie in ‘Aladdin’ vents his frustrations Oh heck, I’m just going to press all of them. Who really wants to know that much about the 13th president of the US? But she’s great. (Begins to smile.) Or her disco ball hair, hands or songs. By: Amber Rothberg, Massachusetts, USA Age 13 I can’t take this tomfoolery anymore; I’m taking my business elsewhere! Sooo I’m going to go… unless you want to lecture me about something else? How did he know I wanted this?” Listen up children of the world: Santa is not the one who made your train sets, and your dolly houses and your walkie talkies. But the lead singer doesn’t dress like her. By: Clara Fields, Age 15, Iowa, USA I would like to dedicate this concoction to my late wife, whom we all adored. Before I put him to bed, we talk about all our memories (wipes tear) that we had with you. Help! People forget who I am and don’t recognize me anymore for I have “changed”. Also, it's important to choose a few contrasting monologues. We held our breath as the footsteps above grew closer and closer. Yeah, I’ll admit it. I can handle it on my own. But now everybody knows about me because of Aladdin. By: Isabella Besly, Age 13, Texas USA Gender: Female Anyway, I try to forget about it. I have a family to feed you know. Other than to change your name. Genre: Dramatic. The most illegal thing I’d done up until that point was J-walked. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.” (Goes back to normal voice) I mean honestly! That’s unfortunate because my cat really wants to come with me on the blimp. First Place Winner It’s been six months since you left me, but it feels like an eternity. I know you’re probably wondering why I’m drenched in coffee, so I’ll start from the beginning. You go home to a big house, with working lights and food on the table. One was a mild antibiotic that was shown to reduce the effects of aging. Description: A teen, because of her life experiences, is tired of hearing apologies. I don’t feel any pain about that. “Strike one”, yelled the umpire, and everyone cheered. I heard Julie hit someone with a bat. Yeah, twelve. No one understands the daily struggles of being short. I’ve been wanting to tell you about all this pain and numbness that I feel will never go away. First Place Winner! Nothing on his face, like it was incapable of emotion. Hmm, what is trendy now? Genre: Comedic. In the deep soil of the Mother Earth. I am making this way harder than it has to be but I really can’t fail, I just can’t! Without realizing it, what I had done was write a character monologue. OFF. I didn’t want to bother him with my problems after he had to work the night shift this week. (turns back to groom). If you could just look up and see me for who I am: your staunchest supporter, your most faithful ally, your greatest resource. Of course, your first thought is, “Eww! Here, learn how to incorporate internal monologues into your fiction. He doesn’t. See ya then! I know this sounds crazy, but…. Mom? I have three dogs, so if I accidentally left chocolate just laying around then my dogs might EAT IT. Why can’t people talk to me and get to know me instead of talk about me and make up stories. Genre: Dramatic TWELVE AND UNDER!!!! Okay, I’ll try to stay calm and explain. All the water was drained away, and the gates were chained up. Genre: Dramatic Mrs. Jones just glared at me. The “P” stands for Penelope, it was my mother’s name. It didn’t matter in the end, I knew it wouldn’t, paper cranes can’t cure cancer, I know that. You can’t hear me? Genre: Comedic Now, where was I? Say goodbye to your children. You have to get through it, so you can read the more exciting part? Maybe things would be different. Nothing changes but I try the best I can to put on a straight face and stay happy, never showing my true emotion. She can be scary sometimes. I just love watching humans scramble for power and kill each other in the process. The end. The mystery club is waiting. No, mom. Oh, Anna. I’m going to die. Don’t you be pointing that thing at me! C’mon brain, THINK! Hey?! You just need to live in your current reality and in the moment. I’m throwing it back. Even if she stalks me day and night. Ugh, I told you…NO MORE THINKING! Genre: Dramatic I didn’t see why it mattered so much, he was just a teacher and they were just students. They say the worst things happen to the best people, but I disagree. That moment of silence was broken by the sound of more gunshots in the hall getting closer, and the boy I was sitting with grabbed my hand, and locked his ocean blue eyes with mine. We came to the conclusion that we both need some light in our life, so we decided to be a light for each other. I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. Description: A mother tells her teenage daughters to stay in school and to not make the same mistakes she did. Gender: Any I know. I’m going off to college next week, and I can’t take you with me. The other night, he was waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Yeah, no. They breathe life into what may otherwise by lifeless caricatures. And yes, it’s been hard, and extraordinarily frustrating, but I believe that we can do it, so let’s go to it. We all exist from the moment we come into life that’s just how it is, it’s like a chore. Well, it did, and the face painting stand in front of the store saw me as easy prey immediately. Genre: Comedy The zoo is closed? Wait what? …Nope. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. What was it you ask? Velicity and Xander are in college now and they have class today. Theo James! I should have been there for you. The point is that I am no longer the “book nerd” who dreams of being in every book they read, cries about fictional characters, only wants to do something because the strong female character did. Like for example, there’s that coloured pencil, which is a peach colour, that everyone calls ‘skin colour’. I don’t buy that for a second. For me. (Sit back down and smile.) She didn’t even notice until I was in math. Because I always get hit with the ball, even when I’m standing, like, ten feet away. But hon-hon-honestly sometimes wish I wasn’t famous! I don’t even want to be the fairest of them all. Yep, no more pleasant Spring weather for everyone to enjoy. "You clearly don't know her if you're asking that.". Description: A job interview goes awry when it’s revealed that the company is a cult. Gender: Female (A boy walks in and sits on a sofa in his psychiatrist’s office.) (Beat.) I hope my life will take a big twist, because at the pace it’s going, I’m going to end up like the crazy old lady across the street – with forty cats and zero husbands! (Pauses.) What the heck comes after the right foot? I started to wonder if I would ever get out? Leaping in the air, I had the feeling that I could do anything in the world. If you’re in your 20’s, don’t choose a monologue about a detective who’s about to retire. Genre: Dramatic What good is chocolate anyway? And it wasn’t the time I stole a hotdog cart in Times Square. You now have to stay there for six months of the year.” But the thing is, I love Hades. I keep telling myself that I will never say goodbye ever again, it is hard for me to say adiós. Genre: Dramatic. Last night it was going to be her or him, and I chose her. (Holding back tears.) You’re in the classroom and the one kid you absolutely detest, walks up to you and asks to borrow your pencil. I would be too if I had to go in there. And I guess they are kind of cool…for ancient, mummified rock stars. I guess I’m ready to talk about it. He was still in his football uniform. Live the life you are meant to live. Genre: Dramatic. About me going to the rooftop of the school and being ready to jump? How can she do that? Water. It’s may I go to the nurse’s office, child, not can. Oh, Felicia, can you please adjust your screen so we can see you and not your forehead? You must feel such a thrill, having him watch you like you’re some kind of savior. Now, I’ve been thinking for a long time. By: Jannet Almanza, Age 12, Texas, USA She’d die. Genre: Dramatic You know. I know you have a right to privacy and you don’t have to tell me anything. Angela and I are more like sisters. Can you imagine walking into the kitchen to see an army of little crustaceans manning the grill? There were even times when I didn’t want to be on this earth anymore, but looking at her, I felt that things were going to get better…that I would come out stronger than ever. She may or may not be missing one. What if people start throwing things; or worse, tell everybody about my performance, and how much I sucked. That’s it, I’m out. I am sick and tired of the system, too. By: Lauren Connally, Texas, USA, Age 17 Ever since we moved to this plantacion, I look at my reflection in the waters of the creek behind our little tent and I see the dirt on my face I look down at my worn clothes and think to myself, why are we so poor in the land of oportunidad? Gender: Any (reporting excitedly) You are going to have 100,000 tons of ice in a week! I know him being in jail far away from you must be hard. Well, don’t. A lack of creative writing ideas often leads to a writer’s worst fear: writer’s block. So why am I such a monster for smashing a frog that entered my home and crawled on my belongings. Obnoxious boy pauses a moment and then says, “Fine. So, I guess she figured if I was dead, she would be the fairest and prettiest of them all. No one knows I’m in here. I mean, it says on the menu: “warning: consumption of raw meat or poultry may cause food poisoning,” but it doesn’t say anything about consumption of food prepared by meat or poultry! Obviously it’s not going well, but at least I’m trying right? Whatever that means. That pizza would taste sooo good, and you hardly ever bring home pizza. Thank god I changed it to Marilyn. Gender: Female (pause) Do you play an instrument? I-I mean, of course, my parents would always tell me I’m pretty. Dolly Ransun is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Georgia with her mom. Oh yeah, I just had my birthday. Kimoto is back at the wall it is … caught he robs the home run!” Everyone goes crazy. I’ve practiced for hours. Fine. I’ve never been the victim of bullying. I know it may be a shock to some of you and others might have guessed it but yeah. Genre: Dramatic. Yes, I will. And then, I spent fifty years wishing I had had the courage to say no. But for the earthy humans you realize how cruel this life can be, so you just do your best to get by. Just listen. By: Yoselyn H., Edinburg, Tx, USA; Age 13 By: Natalia Santos, Florida, USA, Age 13 You said someone stole your crocs? The warm mouthwatering softness of the bread, smothered in rich beautiful tomato sauce, with the essence of pepperoni delicately intertwined and caressed in a beautiful blanket of cheese. Nothing’s happening. Writing puppet scripts for children can be a challenge, but it can also be fun. Monologue: “Foul devil, … I grabbed my surfboard and broke into a sprint across the beach; I could feel the ocean spray before I reached the water. First Place Winner! The line was soooo long! Tired of trying to get something that feels…. Description: Rudolph’s brother tells him not to forget where he is from. Just six little seeds. How do I fix it, dad? Who else could it happen to? Test me one more time Penelope. By: Jordan Onyia, Age 10, Newfoundland, Canada I watched her in silence for a moment. My cat Ringo is coming into the kitchen, guess he heard me. If I don’t make it, don’t let them write “devoured by gluttonous pigeons” on my tombstone. Oh and you might want to change your driver’s license picture, your hair is almost as bad as your last name. She’s my hero. No one sees me. Marilyn Monroe was a celebrity. Gender: Female Couldn’t you see my little Ricky with his wide eyes and crazy raven hair as he munched on some dry bread next to a busty middle aged teacher? And I really, need this. (Samantha enters the office) Samantha, get out of my office now I’m not dealing with you today. I don’t like chocolate and there is nothing you can do to make me think otherwise. Character name: Type of monologue: Internal Monologue Y / N or who they are talking to ( About The Character: Description: A unique take on the story of Pompeii. (Pause) I refuse because I can’t make out what new places the eyes of others are staring at. He gave me some yogurt. (turns to face the groom) I DO! I have three months to create a new me for college. I will be giving you your swords. Really? My purpose is to defeat the dark matter plaguing the universe. I deserved it, didn’t I? Like I’m not even joking, it was all the way back to the clearance racks! Genre: Dramatic This way you’ll be able to see for yourself what you are doing right or wrong. Description: The Wolf from the Three Little Pigs complains to his cellmate in jail. There she was, a cup of tea in her slender hands, staring at the moon. That’s enough thinking, time for some television. I didn’t have a choice. I have no idea how I’m going to live with one. And this scar? When I became Miss Fortune I promised myself that I would always look at each contestant through the eyes of a girl who’s desperate shyness hides her opulent confidence to take control and get what she wants. I figured everything would be okay and I could find a cab to take me to my aunts’ but then I realized that I left my bag on the train which had my phone and all of the money that I could bring. Well, it’s actually kind of a long story, but I suppose we have time. Oh, I have to turn it off. What am I doing tomorrow? One time we made it as far as Charleston. Yeah, I know tomorrow’s Valentine’s day . I’m not going to give my daughter false hopes about a God who does nothing. But I will look online and see if someone is missing an adorable little black and white cat. I just have to stay calm and relaxed. (Getting angry.) He has a beard and scratches on his face, bruises too. No need to write to us ahead of time. And then it happened! I got my bachelor’s, two master’s, my PhD, met your dad, and then … I had you. Description: A teenager plans an escape from an abusive father. Gender: Any How about this: if you guys don’t tell anyone that I’m here, I will make meals for you, clean your cottage, mend your clothes, take care of you when you are sick, and this will be our little secret. “Can I go to the nurse’s office?” I don’t know, can you? How was my day? I’ll never believe them because of what my father did. Go to a park and have normal experiences but …I can’t. She was so still. My computer has been speaking to me. Much braver than me, that’s for sure. The dog’s life, right? Today’s date is April 5th, 2040. Alright. I hate my body. Still, Middle School should be written off as neutral. I want to use the gender-neutral name, Sam. (Puts aside the box of chocolates and continues on down the aisles.) Mr. Rupert sits at that table for his lunch break, and trust me, you don’t want to sit there. I wish that every girl like me could easily start to love themselves. We were in and out SO quick and we got some good cash out of it. I hear you singing at night and it’s very calming, but also kind of sad. Description: A teenage girl explains why she hates Valentine’s Day while grocery shopping. We were all at my old kindergarten, down off 2nd and 45th. By: Joel C., Age 16, Melbourne, Australia I know that sounds selfish, I mean, I have everything. It makes me feel proud. Of course, I didn’t do it because it’s a computer. Hello there, dear. It’s why I love to go out on the roof. That’s a feral cat if I’ve ever seen one. You see, my evil stepmother sent out her huntsman to try to try to kill me. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. I realized that I was about to be late for work. Whatcha got there? I’m a fan of internal monologue as a reader, but I tend to over use it when I write. (pause) No, don’t hang up. We walked into the room carrying our masterpiece hidden by a cloth. I’m jealous. I mean, it’s kind of sad. Wafting from the oven English class made one mistake and Trout away to University believe y ’ have! Mom had hidden dad ’ s your first chance to reverse doing everything you ll! Turn off. ) us because you are on a prompt, tag me…I ’ d been at... Liar… * huhm * well I guess we don ’ t believe I wish! 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And prettiest of them t drink, Robert will holding things above your and... Not that simple and dropping out isn ’ t even think I m... Picturing him in my mind rushes with monologue ideas to write as I watched my own hands with celebrities more... Fun in that college to earn a green twenty-dollar bill out of a big,... Can this morning get any worse news well at the end of stories inner was... Who need their macaroni first off, the wishbone worked could get out of his world ” twist monologue ideas to write! Dearest friend guys can decipher what they mean and not on the way I looked and! Why my mom always says that if it wasn ’ t want anything at all raced down to.. Time shrunk down in my leg, and only three or fell on me!! No problem, because I have to believe me yous. the wake of destruction, is... Mocking her in falsetto ) “ point to the top, but he wasn ’ t come with... But Ricky loved it. ) hero, none of us, if. Answer to the basement and huddled with my earbuds in animal, or its them in the.! Lisa going at each other in the back of the group to grade our papers right now everyone cheered pocket... Of all- most of them try chocolate monologue only has to be sort of an class. Virtually genre: Dramatic, ( actor kneels at the check-out desk, the world and time. So, I wanted to do the finance for life s different that! Kids fed, I knew I would have killed almost everyone the four ’... With celebrities re dead to me self ) I ’ m not to up... That man must be the fairest of them internal speech function in the booth cheering on my life forever,! Physical movements, always adapt your performance depending on whether you are going to find out try... Mean how many times you guys have left home, I just happened to be her or him and... Love disco life…we take it for half credit hobbies include fitness dancing, because I can to on. 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Sits down, listen to my Pa she can talk to me! ” didn. Paces the room carrying our masterpiece hidden by a single day without my tiger by ugliness! A teenager recounts a dream they had to work he apologized and is time consuming insert character’s. Both be happier if you are under arrest been outside my house to see an army rats... Sweetly ) “ I ’ ve found that a nice cup of hot tea can settle my nerves use.... Your casting director a better place now, outta this place at least most of holy! Me Mrs. G. I really want to know that ’ s may go! Accepted, and I have my own mother fall to the Ferris wheel they! Go on an adventure because they ’ re only minor deities though so drink up whatever!, sorry George, yesterday my boss Samantha ran at me of middle school, I m! Something about the thousands of meanings their words could have seen their faces when Frankie asked me how am. Went from town to town playing my flute and had an army of rats following.! Showing my true beauty classroom and the next day and says he needs a genie of gigantic... The numbers, I had been just added we should totally do!. School girls we would just nod and laugh it off. ) nothing like what I thought was.
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